This is the Russian TM-57, a High-Explosive-Blast (HE-Blast), circular, sheet-metal-bodied, Anti-Vehicle (AV), landmine that is designed to damage or destroy a vehicle by its HE-Blast effect and was designed for mechanical laying. It is an improvement on the TM-46 and TMN-46 and has a larger charge and improved fuzing.
The top of the landmine has a stepped appearance with a large diameter fuze protruding from the centre. The bottom of the landmine is crimped to the rest of the landmine body and has 7 radial strengthening ribs and 1 or 2 filler plugs. The landmine has Cyrillic lettering painted in black on the top and sides and the letters TM-57 embossed on the bottom. The TM-57 has one Anti-Disturbance-Device (ADD) cavity in the side and a metal carrying handle spot-welded to the bottom.
The landmine contains 7kg of cast TNT or Torpex and it can be fitted with either the MVZ-57 DLY arming (45 seconds) pressure fuze for mechanical laying or the MVSh-57 Tilt-Rod-Fuze (TRF)