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Timeline Rhodesia


3 Sep 1979 Salane

Operation Uric

During the morning an RLI mine laying team in a helicopter from Mabalauta forward base was fired on by a Pafuri detachment near Salane. An air strike by lynx was requested and the 'Pafurians' were silenced. (Operation Uric). The Rhodesian mine planting efforts appeared to be bearing results as the enemy reported an explosion on the Maxaila/Domasse road in the Mapungane area.

Mon, Sep 3 1979

2 Sep 1979 Maxaila

Operation Uric

The RLI mine laying teams began their tasks. Air movement from Rhodesia to the admin box consisted in transportation of water, rations, food, ammunition and fuel. 4 vehicles were seen heading for Maxaila. The most significant event of the day was electronic jamming experienced on H.F. and the command and control net at about 17-30 hrs. (Operation Uric)

Sun, Sep 2 1979

1 Sep 1979 Maxaila

Operation Uric

At 1200 the Frelimo operator at Maxaila reported helicopter movements in his area and requested reinforcements. In reply, Mapai (the controlling centre) ordered Maxaila to search the area and that troops from Chigubo had also been ordered to investigate the area of the enemy noise. From these intercepts the Rhodesians were aware that the enemy at Maxaila had picked up the transit movement of aircraft to the admin box, although ready to react the base was not compromised. (Operation Uric)

Sat, Sep 1 1979

2 Sep 1976

RRAF Cessna 337 Lynx no R3413 hit by ground fire near the NE Mozambique Border, killing the pilot Air Lt. H.W.H. Stevens

Sat, Sep 2 1978

28 Jul 1978 Chioco Area

Alouette III no R5177 hit by RPG-7 in the Chioco Area killing Air Lt. G.H.F. du Toit and Sgt K.P. Nelson

Fri, Jul 28 1978

6 Mar 1978 - Kavalamanja

Rhodesian forces launched an attack against a ZIPRA insurgent camp near Kavalamanja, Zambia.

Mon, Mar 6 1978

12 Jan 1978 Motoko Area

Alouette III no R5701 hit by ground fire in the Motoko Area killing Flt Sgt A.I. Flemming

Thu, Jan 12 1978

12 Dec 1977 Motoko Area

Alouette III no R5757 hit by ground fire in the Motoko Area killing Flt Sgt H A.J. Jarvie

Mon, Dec 12 1977

23 Nov 1977 Motoko Area

Vampire no R1386 shot down by ground fire in the Motoko Area killing Air Lt. P.W. Haige

Wed, Nov 23 1977

23 Aug 1977 East Grand Reef

Alouette III no R5713 hit by ground fire in the East Grand Reef area

Tue, Aug 23 1977

31 May 1977 Mapai

Dakota no R3702 hit by RPG on take off during Operation Aztec killing Flt Lt B. Collocott

Tue, May 31 1977

17 May 1977

Alouette III no R5725 hit by ground fire, killing the tech SAC R.G. Nelson

Tue, May 17 1977

12 Jan 1977 Malvernia

Canberra B2 no.R2514 hit in bomb bay by ground fire in the Malvernia area, killing Flt Lt I.H. Donaldson, Air Sub Lt D. Hawkes and Capt R.S.S. Warraker during Operation Manyatela

Wed, Jan 12 1977

1 Sep 1976

Alouette III hit by ground fire killing the tech, Sgt H.F. Belstead

Wed, Sep 1 1976

18 Jul 1976

Alouette III hit by ground fire killing the tech, Sgt J.P. Graham

Sun, Jul 18 1976

14 Aug 1974 Madziwa

Alouette III hit by RPG on the whilst on the ground, killing Maj. E C. Adams

Wed, Aug 14 1974
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