Angola in Arms was the English language information organ of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). Several different editions of this publication appear to have been issued. We have included copies of both here. PDF 55 pages
Mozambican Revolution no.23, January-February 1966
Mozambique Revolution (originally titled Mozambican Revolution) was the official organ of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). It was published from December 1963 through June 1975. PDF 23 pages
Mozambican Revolution no.24, March-April-May 1966
Mozambique Revolution (originally titled Mozambican Revolution) was the official organ of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). It was published from December 1963 through June 1975. PDF 14 pages
Mozambican Revolution no.25, June-July 1966
Mozambique Revolution (originally titled Mozambican Revolution) was the official organ of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). It was published from December 1963 through June 1975. PDF 16 pages
Mozambican Revolution no.46, January-April 1966
Mozambique Revolution (originally titled Mozambican Revolution) was the official organ of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). It was published from December 1963 through June 1975. PDF 28 pages
Mozambique Revolution no.42, January-March 1970
Mozambique Revolution (originally titled Mozambican Revolution) was the official organ of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). It was published from December 1963 through June 1975. PDF 75 pages
Mozambique Revolution no.57, October-December 1973
Mozambique Revolution (originally titled Mozambican Revolution) was the official organ of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). It was published from December 1963 through June 1975. PDF 28 pages
Mozambique Revolution no.58, January-March 1974
Mozambique Revolution (originally titled Mozambican Revolution) was the official organ of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). It was published from December 1963 through June 1975. PDF 30 pages
Mozambique Revolution no.60, July-September 1974
Mozambique Revolution (originally titled Mozambican Revolution) was the official organ of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). It was published from December 1963 through June 1975. PDF 31 pages
The Cheetah RLI Magazine – 1980-10
The Cheetah RLI Souvenir October 1980. The final issue of the RLI magazine, an extra large souvenir issue of 63 pages, complete with colour illustrations. PDF file 63 pages
The Cuban Adventure – A Cuban Perspective of Air Operations in Angola
Written by Rafael Del Pino for my Vlamgat E-Book 89 pages includes list of air losses and pilots who served in Angola
The Organizer: The Story of Temba Moyo (1974) ZAPU/ZIPRA
Temba Moyo was born 40 years after the the people of Zimbabwe had suffered their last defeat at the hands of British invaders and their muskets. the young Ndebe of his grandfather's generation comprised the force of king Lobengula's regiments, cheated and slaughtered...
The Role Of The South African Air Force (SAAF During The SADF’s Cross-border Operations In Angola, November 1981-1982: A Historical Exploration
The Role Of The South African Air Force (SAAF During The SADF’s Cross-border Operations In Angola, November 1981-1982: A Historical Exploration It was particularly during the late seventies and eighties that the various arms of service of the South African Defence...