maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
Soviet manufactured 130mm M-46 Artillery Towed Guns captured by the SADF during Ops Hooper in 1988.
maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
This is a water cooled .50 (50 calibre) Browning Machine Gun, seen here in the South West African/Namibian Operational Area during the Bush War.
maddogmcewan posted in the group 2 Squadron ’Flying Cheetahs’ SAAF
South African Air Force 2 Squadron Mirage IIICZ is seen landing at Air Force Base (AFB) Ondangwa after returning from a bombing mission in Southern Angola.
maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
Cessna 185D Serial No. 745 (c/no 0964), ex N1585F and later ZS-EGH, was delivered to the South African Air Force on 08 December 1965.
On 19 February 1988, 65km North East of Opuwa in the Kaokaveld, all was not going well for the Pilot Lieutenant N.J. Ras from 84 Light Aircraft Flying School when the aircraft engine failed and he was left with…Read More
maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
Border War. Iconic photograph taken by the late great Herman Potgieter of a South African Air Force C-47 Dakota from 44 Squadron, taking off opposite a defence bunker near the runway threshold at Eenhana, South West Africa/Namibia.
maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
South African patrol travelling in an ‘Buffel’ anti-mine armoured troop carrier near the Angolan South West Africa/Namibia border.
maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
Two South African Air Force Impala Mk II jets over a radar unit at Air Force Base Ondangwa
maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
Reacting to Intel on Cuban troop movements in southern Angola in October 1988, the SADF’s Ombalantu military base near the SWA/Angolan border goes on high alert. Here four G5 155mm howitzer guns and a couple of Ratel Infantry Fighting Vehicles point their guns towards the Angolan border whilst lining up in the open field outside the base (the base…Read More
maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
SADF Ratel IFV’s in the bush in Angola
maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
SADF Olifant tanks lined up before the start of Operation Hooper in 1988
maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
SADF troopie in the Operational Area with letter from the States
maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
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During my time at the KG Hokke at Oshakati we had a G Tower right behind and above our outer wall – with a watercooled 50 and a regular 50