Pfumo re Vanhu was formed in 1978 as a result of the internal political settlement and the establishment of Zimbabwe Rhodesia under the leadership of Bishop Abel Muzorewa. Several ZANLA (Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army) guerrillas of the Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole’s faction who had been trained in Uganda joined the SFAs as they found themselves […]

The United States has strengthened its military ties with Côte d’Ivoire by approving the transfer of 12 M36 PUMA armored vehicles to the Ivorian Army. Last May, the United States and the European Union (EU) pledged to support the country’s armed forces, with the EU by way of a €15 million Euro “assistance measure. Also, […]

Operation Prawn: Attacks on Line of Rail: Barragem to Malvernia: August, 1976 Reconnaissance teams dropped in by free-fall parachuting and by helicopters along the line of rail, confirmed information:to hand that ZANLA were making extensive and ever increasing use of Mozambique Railways to move large numbers of terrorists from Barragem to Mapai, and on […]

The engines of a Soviet reconnaissance aircraft roared in the sky above the South Atlantic, taking off on a mission from the airfield in Fedotovo near Vologda. Behind them was the Cuban airfield of Jose Marti, then the Angolan airfield in Luanda. The target was the island of Saint Helena. A small piece of […]

This documentary film provides an insight into the Rhodesian Bush War from a soldiers perspective. You’ll hear how the army conducted its patrols and examples of contacts with enemy terrorists.