XO BBHQ posted in the group 31/201 Bn 'Bushmen'
31 Bn with a 50 round mag.
XO BBHQ posted in the group 32Bn ’Buffalo’
32 Battalion troops camouflaged in the Angolan bush, mid-1980s
XO BBHQ posted in the group 32Bn ’Buffalo’
32 Battalion Captain Mc Callum, RIP
XO BBHQ posted in the group 32Bn ’Buffalo’
32 Battalion troops with an M79 and a RPK on patrol in Angola #32Bn
XO BBHQ posted in the group South African Special Forces – Recces
XO BBHQ posted in the group 5 Special Forces Regiment
South African small team Recces returning from a mission in Angola. Man to the left became SF RSM, and the man to the right pretty much invented small team concepts for the SADF. José Da Costa and Andre Diedericks (RIP). 80’s
XO BBHQ posted in the group South African Special Forces – Recces
XO BBHQ posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
Operation KROPDUIF: Captain Connie van Wyk and recce team en route to parachute in to recon the SWAPO base at Eheke #Angola on 25 October 1977
XO BBHQ posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
SADF Troop with a R4
XO BBHQ posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
SADF troops in Puma
XO BBHQ posted in the group South African Special Forces – Recces
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