South African Air Force 2 Squadron Mirage IIICZ is seen landing at Air Force Base (AFB) Ondangwa after returning from a bombing mission in Southern Angola.
Very rare photo of South African Spec Forces in the late 80’s in Angola
Readying for patrol at Ongandjera (ZN?)
Gunner position (left side front) in a Casspir… Standard issue was a FN-MAG mounted hand operated turret, the two handle bars that allowed you to rotate the turret can be easily seen here, to fire the MAG you basically had almost like a bicycle brake lever that allowed u to fire the weapon
Koevoet morning parade at Ongandjera, Namibia
Inside of a Koevoet Casspir
1, 4, and 5 Recce operators during the last ever Small Team course, just after the Angolan War
South African 1 Recce operator L CPL Ribeiro, missing and listed as dead during casualty transport in Angola, August 1976. He served as an Angolan paratrooper before joining the SADF. Ribeiro was one of the founding members of 32 Battalion. Here he is wearing “Recce 1st camo pattern” which was the inspiration behind 32Bn camo
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