Michael Hamilton Woods
born 28.08.1943, Cape Town, South Africa. father Denis Hamilton Woods (1911-1977). mother Daphne Mary (nee Geddie) (1919-1996)
born 28.08.1943, Cape Town, South Africa. father Denis Hamilton Woods (1911-1977). mother Daphne Mary (nee Geddie) (1919-1996)
Trooper Neil "Death Wish" Hooley, a British volunteer in 11 Troop, 3 Commando, Rhodesian Light Infantry. Hooley became a bit of a legend in the regiment, for his ability to seemingly attract trouble, and spent quite a bit of time recovering in Tsanga Lodge from...
Peter Baxter was the youngest (18 years & 3 months old) Regular Officer Commissioned off a Regular Officer Cadets Course in the Rhodesian Army. This cadet course was extremely lucky to have the training in classical warfare done when Rhodesia had 2 troops of...
McAleese served in the British Army's Parachute Regiment and Special Air Service (SAS), the Rhodesian Special Air Service and British South Africa Police, and South Africa's 44 Parachute Brigade. As a mercenary or contractor, he worked in countries including South...
Ralph started off his career with the Parachute Regiment, jumping into Egypt during the 1956 Suez Crisis where he was mentioned in dispatches (as you can see on his General Service Medal). After Egypt, he fought insurgencies in Yemen and Borneo with the 22 Special...
Robert Callen MacKenzie SCR BCR (30 November 1948 – 24 February 1995) was an American professional soldier whose career included service as an infantryman in the United States Army during the Vietnam War, then C Squadron 22 (Rhodesian) SAS, the South African...
On 29 September 1977, Temporary Corporal Phillips and his RLI "Fireforce" stick were called-out to support "A" Company, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles. Upon their arrival, they discovered that the company was pinned down by intense enemy fire coming from a...
Tony Stephen ex OC Sp Gp RLI and founder member Grey Scouts