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  • Profile picture of XO BBHQ

    XO BBHQ posted in the group 35/101 Bn

    1 year, 6 months ago

    #SWATF (Southwest Africa Territorial Force) #101Bn #Casspir MRAP convoy, rolling out to contact.

    101 Battalion had an interesting history as a unit. Their tactics combined ancient stone age tactics, with the pinnacle 20th century steel and fire. It was originally formed as a unit that provided skilled trackers and interpreters to South African forces operating in Southwest Africa (modern day Namibia) by 1980. As the conflict in Southwest Africa intensified, the unit transitioned into a light infantry and eventually motorized infantry role within three years.

    It’s ranks were filled primarily filled with ethnically Ovambo volunteers, many of whom were familiar with the “hit and run” tactics of SWAPO terrorists. Utilizing their prior expertise following spoor as trackers, and the addition of 4 Casspir MRAPs per quick reaction team, they made the best of both worlds.

    Using ancient Ovambo tracking tactics, they would follow the track lines of SWAPO terrorists that had engaged the South Africans. As they were extremely familiar with their environment, they became atuned to even the most slight of disturbances, and were able to track the terrorists at a running pace. Counter-tracking was hopeless against these bush experts, and the only hope of evasions was time and distance. This is where the 20th century kicked in, when the now exhausted SWAPO terrorist was finally detected after a stream of Ovumbo trackers at the full sprint, an entire force of Casspirs would bear down on the enemy.

    Ovambo had an incredible record of nearly 200 successful enemy contacts on average per year during the South African Border Wars, and their efficiency was recognized with a whopping 10 Honoris Crux awards


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