maddogmcewan posted in the group Rhodesian Bush War
Rhodesian Security Forces soldiers photographed inside helicopter
maddogmcewan posted in the group Rhodesian Bush War
July 1979 A Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment Soldier with a member of the Pfhumo Rhevanu (“Spear of the People”) – they were turned terrs who decided for whatever reason to side with the government. Many had been captured (in some cases liberated from the PF) by the Selous Scouts or other Rhodesian Security Forces.
maddogmcewan wrote a new post
Seeker Drone shot down over Mozambique in 1983 as mentioned in interview with Col Dudley Wall on
XO BBHQ posted in the group Portuguese Colonial Wars in Africa
maddogmcewan posted in the group Rhodesian Bush War
Rhodesian K-Car (Kill Car)
maddogmcewan posted in the group Angolan / South African Border War
SADF troopie in the Operational Area with letter from the States
maddogmcewan posted in the group Rhodesian Bush War
Rhodesian Air Force Lynx
maddogmcewan posted in the group Rhodesian Bush War
Rhodesian Hunter
maddogmcewan posted in the group South African Special Forces – Recces
Very rare photo of South African Spec Forces in the late 80’s in Angola
maddogmcewan posted in the group Koevoet (SWAPOL TIN)
Readying for patrol at Ongandjera (ZN?)
maddogmcewan posted in the group Koevoet (SWAPOL TIN)
Gunner position (left side front) in a Casspir… Standard issue was a FN-MAG mounted hand operated turret, the two handle bars that allowed you to rotate the turret can be easily seen here, to fire the MAG you basically had almost like a bicycle brake lever that allowed u to fire the weapon
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